Chuck Cimino and Barak Green join Matt Martin of Oxford Instruments NanoScience to discuss industry’s investments in quantum workforce training.
In this insightful interview, DTL Advisory Board Members discuss how industry partnerships can enhance the training of quantum and measurement professionals.
This month, Quantum Design launched the inaugural session of our new yearly Winter School at our San Diego headquarters.
In our desire to extend our education initiative to high school STEM students, Quantum Design hosted a tour of almost 30 seniors from Santa Monica Preparatory ...
Quantum Design joined CSU San Marcos and co-sponsor Lake Shore Cryotronics to celebrate the grand opening of the Teaching and Materials Discovery Lab.
This year's Greg DeGeller award recipient is Silvia Sherman, a student working toward her B.S. in Applied Physics at California State University San Marcos.
Recognizing the value of providing a wide range of educational modules on its education-focused website, Quantum Design (QD) recently awarded its first prize for ...
Join your colleagues at the 2018 AAPT Winter Meeting in San Diego, California featuring joint programming with the National Society of Hispanic Physicists.
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